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3Ps in every SUCCESS

Updated: Jan 31, 2021

Do you have dreams?

Do you want to do something but you don’t have the courage to do it?

Do you want to court someone? Build your own business? Do Arts?

Harness your skills? Express your thoughts? Graduate on time?

Do you want to achieve your goals?

Well if you do, please, please read this!

"If you lose the capacity to dream,

then you lose the capacity to love.” Pope Francis

Dreams, goals, vision. If we don’t have any of these things, then we don’t love our work, our family, and even ourselves. When we forget the reason why we have dreams, that's because we forget to love.

Ponder these questions:

What is the goal of your business for this year?

What is your dream for your family?

What is YOUR dream in life?

Why dream?

Why do you have a goal for your business?

Why do you have a dream for your family or for yourself?

Because of love. We love them.

That’s the most important thing to remember:

| We are LOVED and we have the capacity to LOVE.

We are created through love, with love and for love.


And since we love our family and ourselves, we have goals and dreams for them. And how to achieve that goals? I’ll give you my 3Ps.

First things first. PRAY! Ohhhh! Pray? Really? Is it necessary? My answer for you my friend is a big YES! Why? Because we need to go back to the source of everything that is good, the source and the author of love, the love himself, GOD.

What if I don’t talk to Him that much?

Well, just talk to Him. He always listens.

We don’t need to be so pious or a show-off to Him. Just tell Him our goals, ask Him to bless those and offer them all to Him.

Next is PREPARE! Oh come on! You can’t expect a fruit without planting a seed. We need to prepare! We can’t build a house without planning and gathering what are needed. Our business won’t prosper without research and asking experts. Want to pass an exam? Then study! If you want to get married, please prepare. It’s not an overnight planning.

| Whatever you’re aiming at, preparation is a must.

Gather data, prepare yourself, prepare the necessary things that you need to achieve your dream.

And lastly, after enough preparation, all we need to do is to PLAY the game! We will not get to the finish line unless we run to it. Whether we’re aiming for high sales, high grades, courting someone, learn new skills, we need to play our game. There are times that we will fail, and that’s for sure, all we need to do is to play again, and again, and again.

There are things that we need to take even though we don’t want it, it’s called risks. And they are necessary in our journey to reaching our goal.

| Just play the game and do your part.


And before we end, there’s actually one last thing, there’s still a letter in our title, right?


Yeah, the ‘s’. Well, this ‘s’ actually is the most important in achieving our dreams. Our journey to success is dependent to this ‘s’.

| To achieve any goals or dreams, START now!

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